Oddity is multidisciplinary production company focusing on Ideas, Design, Directing and Production.
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Oddity.Tunguska.se Site

Posted on 21st May, by Oddity in motion, Webdevelopment. No comments yet

Check out the collaboration website of Oddity and Tunguska – oddity.tunguska.se     Built with php, html5 and css3 using popcorn.js for some features. (Popcorn is basically a toolset for syncing stuff on your site with a video using javascript )  The design is inspired but the concept of the sketch, the unfinished rough idea put onto paper; often beautiful in it’s own way. A type of aesthetic we like.  The site is only in Swedish at the moment, but try google-translate, although I  haven’t tried it myself.

The video is just a exercise in website case-studies. It´s basically some browsing, showing off features and design.   It might be a tad to long and boring ;-) Feel free to use the video timeline scrollbar in a rough manner :-)

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